Sunday, August 16, 2009


Okay so, too fill you in on my oh so hectic life I will have to begin with the beginning of last week, it was test after test, assignment after assignment, by golly I have been so busy, and too make things even more hectic, the weekend was jam packed too.. but with good stuff. So Friday night I worked at my casual job that I have had for a few months now, then Saturday went up to Sydney, Luna Park with my boyfriend to see Parkway Drive, August burns Red, Architecture and Hand of Mercy. Was so good, caught up and hung out with heaps of my friends, who live close and far away. Then drove home, and getting home at 2:00 am, meaning I fell asleep at 2:30.. and had to get up at 7:00 am to get to my new job at 8:15 for orientation... Holy Moly was it a exhausting night/day. But over all I really like my new job :) and I came home to Michael to sleep on for a couple of hours whilst he cuddled and kissed me while watching That 70's Show.. it felt good to just relax for a while. And since he's left I have just slept my little brain off and now I am still tired! But a new week is beginning and school will by far have eased up... no work in the duration of this week, so I feel this week will be slow and laid back. Also being a special weekend as my bestfriends birthday is on Thursday! WooOoOoo for Moo. Goodnight for now.

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