Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fathers Day Part1

A day to celebrate our fathers who take care of us, or to remember the ones who did in the past. Today I woke up extra early just to make my father breakfast in bed and to give him presents, I think he appreciated that. We then went out to lunch with my grandparents and cousins, then visited my Grandfathers grave. Now my family are all having a nap and I felt in this spare time I shall clean my room and update my blog. Over all this weekend has been quite nice. Friday night I had my last shift at Domino's as I have now officially resigned and then I went to Michael's best friends party. On Saturday I just lazed around at Michael's and then went to my Mother movie premier... sounds funny huh, Mum being in a "movie" but no, not a REAL movie, just one that our town made to raise money for local charities, it was nice to dress up in my new dress and walk around in heels with champaign glasses.

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