Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blown away

Is it odd that I have dedicated a lot of my time talking about the weather? A lot of people think of it as though there is nothing else to say...small talk, "Hey, How have you been?..uh... How's the weather?". No, not me, I could talk to you about the weather for a good hour, to be quite frank, a lot of the time, the weather is responsible for how my day goes, my mood, my emotions, my plans. To tell you the truth, I love the weather, everything about it. I love every season, every change. I love Spring, and I guess this is why I am so intrigued and dedicating an entire blog to it. The world looks different in different weather, the ocean especially. Oh, the ocean, I do love the ocean. The salty spray and sand. The ocean is one thing, that can be beautiful in any weather. A stormy sea, or sunny, clear sea.. either or. I love it, how something is so powerful and we cannot control it. I sound like an enviro-dork, but I could not love the feel of the season any more than I already do. It's already making me all giggly and happy. Appreciate it okay.

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